Ausflug zum Monte Scherbelino
Altri titoli: Excursion to Monte Scherbelino
Genere: Amateur film
Anno: 1952
Durata: 00:06:55
Descrizione: Postwar Stuttgart during winter. In a first part the camera shows a snow covered square and houses and buildings heavily damaged by the war. An excavator is loading rubble on trucks. A family takes the tram to go on a trip out of town: They climb on the "Monte Scherbelino", a mountain piled up with debris from Stuttgart. The top of the mountain is slippery, but provides a view of snow covered surroundings.
Parole chiave: Victor-E project / Krieg / Zweiter Weltkrieg / Kriegsfolge / Zerstörung / Wiederaufbau / Nachkriegszeit / 2. Weltkrieg / War / World War II / War aftermath / Destruction / Reconstruction / Postwar period / Second World War / war destruction / outdoor / leisure / monument / winter / family / square / street / construction vehicle / tram / truck / clearing work / forest / mountainside / historical architecture / ruins / Stuttgart / Birkenkopf / Deutschland / Germany
Fonte esterna: Landesfilmsammlung BW
Diritti: In Copyright / Landesfilmsammlung BW
Colori: Black & White
Director: Lang, Walter
Sound: Without sound
Tipo documento:
Collezione: FB Lang